Contains coordinate conversion software written by me for use with British, Swiss and French maps (50,000 and/or 25,000 scale) and a handheld GPS receiver.
PolOs.exe (Windows console application) Latitude is
entered first then Longitude. Type no arguments for Usage. Converts
Polar coordinates
(lat/long) to Ordnance Survey grid reference (
OsGB). Datum shift from WGS84 can be applied
if required.
OsPol.exe (Windows console application). Easting is
entered first then Northing. Type no arguments for Usage. Converts Ordnance Survey grid reference
OsGB) to
Polar coordinates (lat/long). Results are quoted in both OSGB36 and
WGS84 datums.
These work only over the ranges given in Usage (i.e.all the United Kingdom, France or Switzerland
but not Nepal!!). Various formats work so give them a go! They are usually
good for an accuracy of 1 metre.