
Xming Licenses

LicensesSizeDate Modified
AGREEMENT.TXT 1471 Jan 01 2024 11:02
ALv2 11357 Aug 08 2018 18:38
Bison-special-exception 1483 Sep 21 2020 00:27
COPYING 1471 Jan 01 2024 11:02
COPYING-XMON 1759 Mar 28 2015 12:27
COPYING.MinGW-w64-runtime.txt 10936 Sep 16 2013 01:08
COPYING.MinGW-w64.txt 5905 Sep 16 2013 01:07
CreativeCommonsLegalCode 12744 Jan 05 2019 10:33
DejaVu-fonts 8816 Aug 09 2016 11:44
FTL.TXT 6743 Jan 01 2019 02:55
GCC-runtime-library-exception 3729 May 07 2009 13:08
Inno-Setup 1491 Jun 18 2024 11:30
libX11 46458 Nov 03 2022 22:15
libxcb 1337 Sep 01 2009 14:58
libXpm 3793 Jan 18 2010 07:38
libz 1328 Feb 15 2024 20:51
Mesa 3851 Jan 03 2017 23:40
Pixman 2087 Dec 17 2010 15:19
PuTTY 1473 Jan 11 2021 21:59
README FOR DETAIL 0 Aug 23 2010 13:36
Redlist.rtf 103571 Aug 07 2013 10:10
sdk_license.rtf 18582 Aug 07 2013 10:31
SGIFreeSWLicB.2.0.pdf 61086 Mar 10 2009 09:35
The-Open-Group 1178 Nov 20 2007 11:38
X.Org-xserver 94783 Oct 28 2014 01:19
XKB-config-data 9235 Jul 13 2023 03:20

Creative Commons LicenseLatest codeContacts
The [WWW]Xming website, documentation and images are licensed under a
[WWW]Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.
Copyright © 2005-2024 Colin Harrison All Rights Reserved